Milena Regos: The Anti-Hustle Movement
Apr 30, 2019
Milena Regos is no stranger to the hustling lifestyle. But once her health started to deteriorate from the hours of work that she was putting in, it was time for her disconnect from technology, change her environment and start to unhustle her life. Milena teaches us how to start disconnecting from our screens, prioritizing our workload and live a better, fully optimized life mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Milena (co-founder of Unhustle™) has over 20 years of experience in digital marketing. She’s worked in the health & wellness, travel and tourism and recreation industries. She owned a digital marketing agency working with leading brands worldwide. Getting technology burnout, she discovered Human Potential Coaching and now helps entrepreneurs and executives find focus and clarity and deal with any challenges in their lives. Milena helps people live a better, fully optimized life mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. By creating better entrepreneurs and leaders, she helps improve thousands of lives.
Milena believes that “hustle” is the number one piece of entrepreneurial advice that is frequently given. Milena also believes that that piece of advice is completely wrong.
Her definition of hustle involves meaningless busyness as she is no foreigner to the hustling lifestyle. She was investing long hours into her digital marketing agency until she started to notice her health deteriorating. Once she realized that the hustle was affecting her health, she knew she needed to make a change.
So, she packed up her bags for a 10-day digital detox in Baja California and learned that there was more to life than just being glued to your computer.
Milena starts the first hour to hour and a half without touching her phone. During this time, she does her own self-care that involves the aspects of mind, body, movement and nutrition. This helps to set herself up for a productive, clear and focused day.
On the other side of the day, Milena disconnects from her technology between 7 and 8 p.m. This allows her to have a better-quality sleep so she can be ready to take on the next day. All of this starts with changing your habits to begin taking better care of yourself.
Milena starts her morning by getting up between 5 and 6 a.m. and moves into a mindfulness/meditation practice for anywhere between 5-30 minutes. She then goes into moving her body through either gentle yoga, a HIIT workout, a walk with her dog on the beach or a mountain bike ride. While she's moving, she tries to not listen to any podcasts so she can be connected with her body.
She then eats her breakfast and plans her daily nutrition which usually involves her going to the grocery store. After all of this, if she is able to fit in a swim in the ocean that's great, otherwise she goes and takes a cold shower to get her prepared for the day.
Milena’s secret to staying stress-free during the day is to work in bursts. So, she will sit down and get some work done and then take a break and go for a walk, do 50 squats or practice some deep breathing. She does this throughout her day until she has worked about 5-6 hours.
Milena has found that if you tell yourself, “I have 5-6 hours to get my list done,” you start to focus on the most important things and everything else can wait. As an entrepreneur, she understands the want for the perfect Instagram captions or constantly checking on Facebook comments, but she stresses that we need to get over ourselves and concentrate on the things that are important.
Hustling and working hard are two totally different mindsets when it comes to getting work done. Milena believes that hustling is this idea of constantly going while just getting busy work done. This way is ineffective, stressful and slow-moving.
Unhustling makes you think about how you’re going to move the needle in the least amount of time. Unhustling is about how are you going to take care of yourself first to avoid burnout and be a better + happier human being.
It's important to understand your overall goal of creating a new habit and why is this habit meaningful to you. Without this, the habit will only be relevant for three days and you lose that want for it. For Milena, creating new habits involves a certain amount of commitment and dedication to achieving your goal.
Unhustle™ hosts retreats to help break away from the ordinary life of stress, endless to-do lists and constant technology distractions. But before you go and invest in yourself on a retreat, Milena encourages you to start creating better habits before you get there.
You can do this by creating your own mini-retreats at home! To start, find a weekend that you can block off in your calendar and be disciplined in disconnecting from your technology. Now, what you do during this time depends on what you enjoy. Milena suggests...
- Getting a massage
- Doing a foot soak
- Cooking a healthy meal
- Engaging in mindful eating
- Connect with friends
- Go for a hike
- Painting class
Take time for yourself to do these activities that you don't normally do on a regular basis so you can get out of your mind and into your body. This can help you get a reset on your outlook while focusing on bettering yourself.
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The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).