Birth Chat With Your Pre + Postnatal Coaches
Feb 04, 2020
Several years ago, my girlfriends and clients convinced me to start a blog about prenatal exercise because what I was teaching them in class wasn't taught in mainstream fitness.
Little did I know that that push would lead me to where I'm at today: in an online space where I'm able to provide women with a prenatal membership, a postpartum recovery program and even an instructor course.
So it's safe to say that I have helped thousands of women prepare their bodies for pregnancy, birth and postpartum recovery and have inspired others to do the same.
This is where Annie comes in :-)
Annie joined my Knocked-Up Fitness team in 2015 with the eagerness to educate and empower women during their pregnancy journey.
But as you will learn from tuning into our conversation, is that the pregnancy journey starts well before you are pregnant.
Society tends to segment out preparing your body for pregnancy, pregnancy itself and postpartum recovery, but Annie and I believe that they are all intertwined.
Here's how we're breaking it down in this episode:
- Things to do to prepare your body for pregnancy BEFORE you're pregnant. (3:57)
- What to do now that you're pregnant. (8:37)
- Working on prevention of body dysfunctions for a smoother postpartum recovery. (13:29)
- How Kegels are causing your pelvic floor to be too tight… and that's a big no-no. (16:03)
- What you do during pregnancy affects how your birth goes (even for c-sections). (19:37)
- Annie and I’s first birth experiences and what we learned. (23:27)
- How Annie wants you to think about labor and delivery. (29:38)
It's never too late to take care of your body or implement any of the things Annie and I talk about today. But if you’ve been feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed but are still wanting to prepare your body for birth, you’re going to want to join us in our free Embrace Your Bump Challenge. Join >>HERE<< and let’s start getting your pelvic floor ready for the delivery room!
Annie Tinker is a certified Knocked-Up Fitness Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise Specialist, Core Exercise Specialist and a birth doula. Annie was a personal trainer before she got into prenatal training. She had noticed a lack of options when both of her sisters became pregnant that spurred her initial interest in becoming a prenatal exercise specialist. Since then, Annie has joined us on our Knocked-Up Fitness team as a prenatal coach for our membership as she has a two-year-old of her own!
- Hip Rolls
- Pelvic Tilts
- Why Pregnancy Is The Best Time To Start Learning About Your Core
- Working Out Smarter, Not Harder
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).