Creating Balance + Space Through Your Body
Oct 04, 2018
Creating space and balance in your body can play a big role in how you feel - physically, mentally and emotionally. As we age, there tends to be rounding of the spine and a loss of fluidity between our joints.
When you can create space in your body and improve the amount + function of your fascia, you could see a huge improvement in how you feel or better yet - PREVENT.
Many women who have followed my programs see drastic improvements in their back pain, neck pain and hip pain in a very short period of time. As you begin to create these new habits, you can feel the activation in your body, feel the connection in your deep core and be able to see the results of your hard work that will benefit you for a lifetime.
One of the first places to start is with your posture. How you sit during your day, carry your children and simply stand affect the alignment of your spine and bones. Here are three things I challenge you to do and be mindful of throughout the next couple of days:
1. STAND OR SIT TALL BY LENGTHENING THROUGH THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD. Be careful not to project your head forward. This happens frequently when we are sitting working on a computer or looking at your phone too much.
2. ENGAGE YOUR DEEP CORE. It doesn’t matter if you are standing, sitting or driving, I challenge you to engage your deep core while lengthening through your spine. (learn how to properly strengthen your deep core with my Core Rehab Program!!)
3. RELAX YOUR SHOULDERS while engaging your mid-back. When you engage your mid-back and let your shoulders relax, you can instantly feel the tension start to release in your shoulders and traps. Many of us tend to carry a lot of stress in our shoulders and traps. I challenge you to take a deep breath, engage your mid-back and let your shoulders relax while engaging your deep core and lengthening through the top of your head.
By incorporating these three tips into your daily life, you could see huge improvements in how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. Listen to my podcast to learn more about how to create space and upgrade your life!
Below, watch the video mentioned in this episode!
I also recommend listening to my mindful movement podcast for additional information. I give you suggestions on how to move throughout your day that can help get you on the road to feeling your best!
Join me in my Core Rehab Program as it's full of educational tutorials, workouts and great information to help you build healthy habits that will benefit you for years to come!
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- David Lesondak, Fascia: What It Is And Why It Matters
- Mid-Back Makes You Stronger
- Choose To Be Grateful With Angela Mader
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The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).