Interpreting Pelvic Floor Research for Lasting Health and Longevity
Sep 05, 2023
Have you ever felt called to do something and – at the same time – saw the magnitude of what it can be?
Have you ever felt a desire to learn more, but just weren't sure what that looked like... or exactly what you were going to discover?
I felt these things strongly back in 2016. By that time, I had created my Knocked-Up Fitness Prenatal Membership and saw a missing piece. Women needed guidance on how to heal their bodies and their pelvic floor postpartum for the longevity of their health.
So I created Core Rehab.
Diving into pelvic floor research, I discovered that it was misinterpreted, misunderstood, and in need in need of a new perspective (A warm welcome to the 21st century).
As I coached more postpartum women, I realized they were being told all kinds of inaccurate information about how peeing their pants when they worked out was normal, that they needed surgery to heal their diastasis recti, and that they had to live with back pain.
The overload of opinions is overwhelming for a new mom, so I decided to break down pelvic floor research that is out there today to empower you with accurate knowledge for lifelong health.
Take back control of your health and >>CLICK PLAY<< to start changing the conversation about the pelvic floor.
You know, what I've gathered from this research (and the abundance of other research I've dissected) has helped me change the lives of thousands of women over the past 20+ years.
Which brings us to today. I'm hosting my very own instructor training and certification for a small group of fitness instructors looking to elevate their training techniques.
I share more about this instructor course >>in this episode<< – after you listen, if this is something you might be interested in, I'd love to invite you to enroll >>HERE<<.