How To Know When You Need To Take A Break
Dec 22, 2020
If you pressed play on this podcast episode in real-time, Christmas is just DAYS away and I want to gift you permission to take a BREAK because it might just be what you need as we head into the end of the year.
On my podcast, I frequently talk about having your priorities be in alignment with what you want in life. And while I make sure to check in on this happens!
I'm the type of person who is very intuned with their body. I notice when things come up for me and work to improve on them while still having space in my life.
>>But before Thanksgiving, just when I've created good boundaries, my shoulder tightened up on me.<<
After finally making the connection that my left shoulder's stiffness had to do with my priorities being out of alignment, I blocked out a week between Christmas and the New Year to take a break.
With not being able to travel as much this year, I've been go, go, go and not allowing myself to step away from the computer.
By prioritizing this break for myself, I will be able to reflect on what is going to amplify my business and my passion in 2021.
Whether you ask your spouse to watch the kids for the afternoon or treat yourself to a weekend away, these breaks are exactly what you need to get realigned with your life.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The difference in being busy with to-dos vs. priorities
- How to continuously self-reflect so you can feel freaking amazing
- How creating space can allow you to dream a little bigger
As you know, it's not about perfection…there's no way you can live your life in a constant state of alignment. Ladies, I want to empower you (and even challenge you) to give yourself the freedom to take a break for your mind, body and soul. Click play >>HERE<< to learn how and then leave an iTunes review for the Core Connections podcast!
Enjoy your break this holiday season…You deserve it.