Get Your Gut Moving With These Hacks
May 25, 2018
Do you ever have that gut feeling? Not your intuition, but the one where you feel backed up, bloated and your stomach aches? You don't have to live like that!! Gut function is so important for the overall health of your body. There is a big correlation between your gut function and your brain function. And I can't skip a podcast without talking about fascia! Yes, that's right!! There is even fascia in your gut that affects the way your body feels. If you have a sluggish gut, try introducing some of these healthy tips to your gut and see how it feels. Remember to always listen to your body, what is it telling you?
Hydration is key for optimal gut function. Over half of our body is made up of water!! If you are dehydrated, your gut isn't hydrated enough to keep things moving.
Try to start incorporating green juices into your daily routine! They are great to keep your digestive system moving and help keep you hydrated as well.
TIP: When looking for a green juice, make sure that it is under 80 calories. If you go any higher, that means that there is too much sugar in that juice.
Another key factor when it comes to getting your gut moving! There are amazing benefits when you start eating your veggies for overall body nourishment.
Be aware of how fiber is treating your body. Are you feeling bloated? Is your stomach hurting? They can be found in vegetables, such as broccoli. Start paying attention to what fibrous food is doing to your body.
Fat > Fiber when it comes to getting things moving in your gut. Good fats to start incorporating into your diet are...
- Avocados -- good quality fat + fiber
- Cook with avocado oil, coconut oil + butter
Prebiotics help to fuel the good bacteria in your gut. You can find prebiotics in...
- Root Vegetables
- Sweet Potatoes -- don't be afraid to eat sweet potato carbs; they are a good carb source
- Apples
- Raw Garlic
- Raw Asparagus
- Raw + Cooked Onion
This is another way to add more good bacteria into your gut! You can do this through kombucha + fermented foods. Here is a list of my recommended probiotics...
- Renew Life 15 Billion Strains - best option if you 'go regularly'
- Renew Life 90 Billion Strains - best option to kick start your digestive system if it feels sluggish and you do NOT 'go' every day. Once your digestive system starts to function more optimally and you are going at least once per day then switch to the probiotic above the 15 billion strains one. Keeping the 90 billion on hand for when it may become more sluggish.
- Renew Life 5 Billion for KIDS - I highly recommend having your kids take probiotics, especially to help keep their immune system up!
The more sedentary you are, the more likely it is that you will be constipated. As you do any movement throughout your day, remember to be lengthened through your body. Your digestive system holds a lot of fascia that needs to be stimulated, which will also stimulate your intestines to function better.
Stress can cause your gut to either flow looser or become more constipated. Start paying attention to your stress level; not just from a digestive side, but from a mental side as well. Because our fascia feels that stress! A few ways to de-stress your body are...
- Mediation
- Deep Breaths
- Movement
- Fresh Air
Intermittent fasting is not eating any solid food for at least 16 hours. I find this an important tip to take into consideration because it is essential to let your gut relax to get it out of that stressed, working state that it is constantly in. I do not recommend this tip if you have adrenal issues; run it by your physician first. But always LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Give it what it needs.
Watch This Episode Below!!
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The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).