A Candid Look At My Health Struggles

core connections mindfulness Jun 30, 2020

Real talk…When it comes to overcoming setbacks, do you:

A) Dwell on your situation and say, "woe is me."

B) Take it one day at a time.

C) Be open-minded to what you are learning on your journey.

No matter which category you fit into, we ALLLLL face barriers when it comes to experiencing setbacks with ourselves, our health or our lives. The difference is, do you let them stop you or do you look at them as a learning opportunity to set you up for future success?

In this podcast episode, I am taking you through how I overcame my personal health struggles.

Ladies, I’m bringing this up because they are barriers that I’ve personally faced before and on those days where it felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel, I reminded myself of the same advice I'm about to share with you.

This is inspired by my journey to help open your mind to yours.

Start becoming open to being open-minded by clicking play >>HERE<<. I’m going to be completely honest with you and open up about 3 personal lessons I’ve learned along the way: 

  1. Bringing awareness to what you are learning on your journey
  2. Taking the judgment out of your struggles
  3. Being apart of your solution

I’m all about sharing my journey so that you can learn from the mistakes I made. I’m having the best time enhancing our health and celebrating our little wins together. 

If you would like a core exercise specialist by your side, a community of empowered women on this journey with you and tools to take your health to the next level, I would love for you to join my free Summer Sculpt Challenge >>HERE<<.

The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).

get started by grabbing my free resources.

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