My Favorite Ab Exercise For All Levels
Jan 29, 2021
Are you looking for an ab exercise that you can do as a beginner? What about if you're just getting the hang of this core exercise thing? Or if you're an expert when it comes to getting your deep core to fire?
Well, friend, you're in luck! I have the perfect ab progression to add to your movement practice: Reverse Froggers.
>>I want to empower you to choose the level that is best for your body today.<<
Just because I show you a more advanced version, doesn't mean that it's what you're body is ready for.
I feel like I need to say that again...The HARDEST version is not always the BEST version.
It's so powerful for your body to go through the modification first so you can feel the right connections before you progress on.
What makes my training so effective is that I give my students different variations of the exercises that I teach to build upon the foundation of the movement.
And I want the same for you.
If you're ready to strong and empowered in as little as 10-minutes a day, join me in my FREE 5-Day Pilates Sculpt Challenge. I will be sharing with you some of my favorite workouts PLUS training tips to make movement more effective. Save your seat to join me on the mat >>HERE!<<
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regimen or purchasing any product(s).