Fitness Tip Most People Don't Know About
Jan 25, 2021
Welcome to Fitness Tips 101! I’m your professor, Erica Ziel, a core and fascial exercise specialist from small town Iowa.
>>In today’s class, I’m going to teach you a fitness tip that you didn't know you needed.<<
Your first assignment: a Pretest! Here we go…
- Have you heard about how everything in the body is connected?
- How about the power in creating a mind-body connection?
- Do you know how to use movement to enhance the functionality of your body?
This pretest is just to see what you know now so you can look back and see how far you've come!
*You’re taking this class to LEARN from me, after all.*
>>To learn about a Fitness Tip that doesn't get talked about enough in the industry, click on the demonstration below.<<
After you watch this quick tutorial, your body will begin to rebalance as you're enhancing your movement practice. Click play!
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