Embracing The Unknown + Prioritizing You
Mar 31, 2020
Do you believe that you aren't worth investing in? That there are more important things that are worth your time, money and energy?
Well, ladies, in this episode my dear friend Angela Mader and I are going to let you in on a little secret...
If you don’t show up for yourself, you don’t have the capacity to show up for other people.
That's right YOU are your no. 1 priority and there's a lot that goes into you! In this episode, Angela and I touch upon three areas:
- Physical Health
- Emotional/Mental Health
- Occupational Health
Angela and I have seen time and time again that investing in these aspects of your life is not only worth it but can be LIFE-CHANGING.
*Yes, all caps and bold lettering IS necessary!*
What we unveil in this episode is that once you start investing in one part of your life, you soon notice other areas that need that same attention.
Take Core Rehab, for example, once a woman's diastasis recti is healed, she might notice some emotion start to come up. Those are past experiences that her body was holding onto and they are now coming to the surface since we have tapped into her fascial system through the movement practices I teach.
This is why I highly value the coaching aspect that is offered in the program because if there's one thing we know, everything's connected.
By hiring a coach, building your tribe or engaging in conversation with a random person at Starbucks, you are then able to check-in with your priorities in life and make sure that they are aligning with where you want to invest yourself into.
Your priorities may change, but there's one that shouldn't... you.
To hear two girlfriends drop some more knowledge on this subject and bring clarity to the priorities in your life, click >>HERE<< to listen! And be sure to grab Angela's business freebie on her top 10 tools to start (or scale) your biz >>HERE<<.
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).