Actions You Should Take NOW to Optimize Hormones for Longevity with Dr. Stephanie Gray
Nov 08, 2023
Have you felt like you had no control of your hormones?
Like no matter how much you try to do/learn/test/research things just... never get better. And even though this is common amongst women, it doesn't make it any less frustrating. Does it?
And before anything else, I want you to know that YOU are not the problem.
But there are things you can do to optimize your hormones – which is why I had to bring Dr. Stephanie Gray (someone who I've personally worked with) on the show to share her approach and advice on how to overcome these obstacles. I hope this episode empowers and motivates you to take control of your hormone health to live the life you so greatly deserve.
Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and...
[03:35] The lesson Stephanie learned from overcoming her own health scare and infertility struggles.
[07:44] The definition of hormones, their impact on the body, and how to balance hormonal emotions.
[11:57] Stephanie's recommended tools to track your hormones.
[13:37] Three things you need to address before you undergo hormone replacement therapy.
[19:29] The impact mold toxicity can have on your hormones and what I learned through detoxing my body from mold.
[23:53] An explanation of what each hormone is responsible for in the body.
[26:38] How to start hormone replacement therapy during perimenopause.
[30:20] The importance of continuously testing hormones during the process of balancing hormones.
[31:41] The difference between natural hormones and synthetic hormones and which type Stephanie recommends.
[35:32] What women with hysterectomies need to know about hormone replacement therapy.
[39:16] The role hormones have on your longevity and quality of life as you get older.
[39:16] The role hormones have on your longevity and quality of life as you get older.
[48:54] How much protein should women be consuming for weight loss and the impact protein has on the functionality of your body.
[56:08] The #1 expert advice Stephanie wants you to know about hormonal replacement therapy.
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!