Rachel Smith Explains How to Manage Autoimmune Disease
Aug 02, 2022
Have you ever considered that our lifestyle choices can affect our body's symptoms?
My guest today, Rachel Smith, is a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner who has blended her unique health experiences with a diverse set of tools to help people naturally reverse their symptoms of autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance, and chronic illness.
With a strong passion to heal others, Rachel created Natural Health Rising, an online holistic wellness company.
After years of dealing with symptoms and leaving doctors' offices with no answers, she decided that she was going to fix herself and experienced firsthand what the body is capable of if you give it the right tools and have the right information.
I’m honored to consider Rachel a friend and to welcome her on to Core Connections to record this episode today to discuss how to manage autoimmune disease symptoms.
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If you enjoyed this episode, connect with me and Rachel online and let us know what you thought! We’d love to hear from you @naturalhealthrising and @ericaziel.
Schedule a free health consultation with Rachel, >>HERE!<<
Rachel Smith has been studying and working in health and wellness for over 7 years. She has a background in healthcare administration, scientific research, fitness coaching, and is a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She is the owner of Natural Health Rising, which is an online holistic wellness company where she helps people naturally reverse their symptoms of autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance, and chronic illness. Her process involves nutrition and lifestyle changes, nervous system work, healing hidden infections, and detoxing from environmental toxins. Rachel is on a mission to help people rise to their healthiest, happiest selves.