Eradicating Parasites to Restore Your Immune System with Sara Pagel
Jun 21, 2022
Do you want to ERADICATE parasites to restore your immune system and HEAL your body?
If so, you're in the right place because today I'm joined by the wonderful Sara Pagel who is the founder of
Like so many Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners, Sara gets to take what she learned along her own journey and gets to help people heal their bodies as well.
Knowing that there's more to be done once parasites are killed in the body, Sara became obsessed with healing the damage from the parasites by getting into the deeper layers such as restoring energy, hormone health, and immune system.
As an FDN Practitioner, Sara is able to look at the body as a whole Sara and combines functional lab testing with your experience to identify hidden stressors and healing opportunities.
>>By being aware of her body's symptoms, Sara can now take control of her health and wants to empower others to do the same through self-care.<<
Today, you're going to hear from Sara how to restore your immune system to catapult you towards optimal health and I just can't WAIT for this conversation... So without further ado, click play >>HERE!<<
Order your at-home parasite test >>HERE!<<
As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner with a Master’s degree in Criminal Justice, she empowers helpers to reclaim lost health and vitality by teaching them the greatest model of opt-in self-care! She draws the helpers back to themselves by educating them on how to put their mask on first!
2020 was a banner year for Sara as she reclaimed her life from toxic relationships both personally and professionally and started her Holistic Health Coaching Practice Thin Line Consulting.
With over a decade of direct client hours as a Family Behavioral Therapist, Juvenile Probation Officer, and a 911 Dispatcher she brings a variety of skills including accountability, communication, empathy, and strategic problem solving to her clients.
Sara combines functional lab testing with your experience to identify HIDDEN stressors and healing opportunities. From these opportunities, she is trained to make clinical correlations and create an individualized plan to meet you where you are and catapult you towards optimal health if you are willing to do the work! Sara operates with a philosophy of Don’t Guess Test!